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- The Commands Menu allows specific actions like movement of the
- Active Cell, calculation order, insertion or deletion of Rows and
- Columns, filling in of data over selected Ranges and Easy Sort.
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- Select
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- Use Select to reposition the worksheet at a specified location.
- All Cells - selects all Cells between A1 and the rightmost,
- bottommost cell containing data. The window is repositioned with
- A1 in the upper left corner. Shift F9 key also performs this
- Function.
- Last Cell - selects the cell in the rightmost, bottommost position
- which contains data, and positions that Cell in the upper left
- corner of the window. Shift F10 key performs the same function.
- Active Cell - positions the display so that the currently selected
- Cell is in the upper left corner of the display.
- Specify Location - displays a requester into which you can type
- the Column/Row location of any Cell in the worksheet. This
- display will position with this Cell in the top left corner.
- Specify Name - displays the Name requester so you may select
- a Cell location by Range Name.
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- Calculate
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- Dictates the timing of recalculations. Calculations can occur as:
- Automatic - the entire Worksheet recalculates each time any Cell
- is modified.
- Manual - the Worksheet is recalculated only when the
- Calculate Now Menu Item is selected.
- Now - causes immediate recalculation when evoked.
- Also accessed by: Right Amiga Key with =
- F1 Function Key
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- Cell Note
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- Add is used to either specify or modify 5 lines of Text for a Cell
- Note which may be either spoken, written or both.
- Erase allows the deletion of an existing note.
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- Insert/Delete
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- Insert allows insertion of either one or a multiple of Rows and
- Columns. Blank Rows are inserted above the Active Cell in any
- Column while blank Columns are inserted to the left in Row.
- Delete can remove either single or multiple selected Rows or Columns.
- Plan/IT will respond with a Requester asking you to confirm any
- Row or Column deletions. Deletion will remove all data and formats
- in the deleted Rows and Columns. Thus any Cell References to the
- deleted Rows or Columns may result in an error in calculations.
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- Fill
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- Fill Down copies all information from the top Row of the selected
- Range to all other Rows in the Range. Formulas containing Relative
- Cell References are adjusted. Labels and values are simply copied.
- Absolute Cell References may have to be adjusted.
- Fill Down is also accessed by: Right Amiga Key with D
- F6 Function Key
- Fill Right copies all information from the left most Column of the
- selected Range to all other Columns in the Range. Relative Cell
- References, labels and values are handled as in Fill Down. Absolute
- Cell References may have to be adjusted.
- Fill Right is also accessed by: Right Amiga Key with R
- F7 Function Key
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- Read Range
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- Amiga's voice will recite data entries in a selected Range.
- Used to proof read data entries against a source document.
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- Easy Sort
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- This is used to sort the Rows of a selected Range based on the
- contents in the Cells of the first left most Column of the selected
- Range. Easy Sort can also be accessed by F6 with Shift Key.